Does this sound familiar? Your family has just moved into a new (or new to you) home, cottage, or cabin, only to discover that the water quality is less than desirable. If so, don't worry — you're not alone in this struggle with water quality! I'm Gary, also known as "Gary the Water Guy," and I'm here to simplify water filtration and help you conquer crappy water.
Today I'm going to guide you through everything you need to know to fix that nasty water situation in your new abode. From understanding your specific filtration needs to finding the perfect solution for ensuring clean water flows through your taps, we've got you covered. Get ready to learn exactly what steps you need to take to find out what’s wrong with your water and how to fix it for your family.
So, you’ve just moved into your new-to-you home, cottage or cabin and suddenly realize that your water is staining everything, it's impossible to use for laundry because your clothes don’t come clean, it smells like rotten eggs — or worse yet, garbage — and no one in your family will drink it because it just tastes terrible?
Whether it's newly built or a new-to-you home, cottage or cabin, the process for determining your water filtration needs is the same.
Step #1: Meet with your family to get everyone’s input on exactly what they hate about your water.

Start by making a list of everyone's water concerns as this will help narrow down what your water treatment needs and goals might be. Consider these questions:
- Does your water smell? If so, what does it smell like?
- When you do laundry, are the whites actually coming out white?
- Are your towels fluffy and soft?
- Are the colored clothes bright and vibrant or just dingy?
- Is there hard water scalebuildup around the faucets and filters?
- Is there a ring at the water line in your toilets?
- Is all this making your new dream home difficult to keep clean?
- How about those glass shower doors?
- Does the water in your toilets start off clear after you clean them, but turn brown after your water sits for a while?
- Or worse yet, does the water come out of your faucets a weak tea color?
- Do you need to hand wash your glasses to get rid of the water spots?
Step #2 – Have your home, cottage or cabin water tested at a local lab or at Tap Score.

If you'd like to determine what’s in your water causing all that grief, we offer FREE BASIC WATER TESTS! Simply capture about 500 ml of the water to be tested in any suitable, clean container, seal the sample, and mail it to us at the address below.
The Water Store
1004 King Street
Midland, Ontario L4R 0B8
Step #3 – Complete the water test evaluation form, sharing some key details about your household and what concerns your family has about your water.

When filling out the evaluation form, don’t worry about figuring out your water test results and what results to record on the water information sheet, we’ll do that all for you! Simply submit your Water Information Sheet using this link and email us your water test results.
We’ll assess the report and make personalized recommendations about what is needed to fix your family's water! Our water treatment specialists will also answer all of your questions, provide installation advice, and provide a quote — all at NO COST to you!
Fixing your water isn't difficult at all when you know where to start and the team at Water eStore is here to help. Say goodbye to crappy water and say hello to pure, filtered water and a healthier, happier home!