Wondering what’s HUM Water Filtration and why it’s important to your family? Read more in this blog to learn how HUM is different from the rest!
How Hum is Different From Other Products
There are all kinds of brands of water filters and products but how is HUM different from the rest? When you’re investing in water treatment for your family there are so many products and brands out there, where do you start? Who do you believe? How can you be sure you get what you need? Surely there must be a shortcut to get to what you need! There is and it’s the HUM Water Filtration Brand of products.
HUM Water Filtration
Think of HUM Water Filtration like the story of Goldilocks and the three bears. HUM Water Filtration products offer that “just right” mix of great quality, ease of installation & use, product support and service. Make no mistake about it, these are definitely not the most expensive water filtration products, they offer no bells, no whistles just great performance day after day, year after year. HUM water filtration products will give your family the biggest and best “bang for the buck”.
HUM Water Filtration is Our Own Private Label Brand.
Although we’ve access to over 20,000 water filtration products there are only a select group that are good enough to be chosen by me, Gary the Water Guy to join our HUM water filtration brand because these products give great performance, last a long time and are available at a very reasonable cost to purchase and operate.
The Best Solution Requires the Best Product
Whenever our customers identify the need for water filtration, we look for the best solution and product to fill that need. Because we’ve had a retail water filtration store since 2003 we’re in consumers’ homes every day testing water, installing and servicing their water filtration needs so we soon know what works and what doesn’t, which brands provide the quality products and customer support our customers love and which ones don’t. We vet our suppliers and personally test all HUM water filtration products, installing them in our homes and monitoring their performance daily. The manufacturer must have a proven track record of not only building a high performance product but also providing amazing after sales support and service. Check out the HUM Metered Water Softener System - 30,000 Grain Capacity here.
HUM Water Filtration Products are Easy to Install & Service
In most cases use widely available non proprietary consumables and when possible, are Made in North America. We offer YouTube videos that support HUM water filtration products explaining how they work, how to install and service. We do offer other high end and perceived higher quality water filtration brands that come with a high price tag, but are not good enough to become HUM water filtration products because often they are difficult to use, extremely expensive to purchase & operate. We find those flashy “bells and whistles” that come with the premium brands always break down first, often rendering the system useless. And the cheap stuff, well some families look for the lowest price point but then find those products are very difficult to use, often break down and after a year or two those proprietary replacement filters or UV lamps are nowhere to be found.
Choose HUM Water Filtration For Your Home
HUM water filtration products are “just right” and are what I’ve installed in my home for my family. We offer a 100% money back guarantee if you’re not satisfied with your investment in HUM water filtration products for your family.