The Water Quality Association (WQA) is a not for profit Illinois-based trade association representing the residential, commercial, industrial, and small community water treatment industry. It has more than 2,500 members consisting of both manufacturers as well as dealers/distributors of water treatment equipment. For the industry they provide:
• Professional Certification for Individuals
• Public Relations/Consumer Education Programs like the recently available "Water Treatment for Dummies" and great reports like the Battelle Report and the report on Water Softeners and septic tank compatibility as well as the Softened Water Benefits study discussed here.
• Code of Ethics and Marketing Guidelines
• Research and Technical Reports and Booklets
• WQA Aquatech USA convention
• Industry Standards Development
• Advice on Government Relations/Regulations
The WQA offers the most comprehensive water treatment training courses in the world. Candidates who pass the rigorous exam process are awarded the designation of Certified Water Specialist.
Since 1977, WQA's Professional Certification Program has helped consumers find informed, ethical, and certified professionals- each earning a three year certificate by passing an exam on water contaminants and treatment technologies for sales, installation and service of water treatment equipment and products in compliance with all regulatory requirements. You can be confident that any individual that has completed the Certified Water Specialist program is trained to offer you well informed recommendations about any water quality concern expressed by your family.
The Water Store Midland has been a member of WQA for many years. Although there are fewer than 70 Certified Water Specialists in all of Canada, Gary the Water Guy has taken the courses and completed the exams to become a Certified Water Specialist and will continue to update himself to keep this designation active.
The Water Quality Association runs an annual water treatment convention and trade show called Aquatech, which Gary attends, offering training seminars and programs to keep members up to date on water treatment trends and best business practices.
So why is this important to you? If you want "the best in the business" advice, make sure that you are working with a WQA Certified Water Specialist!