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What’s an RO Water System? You’ve heard the term RO before and know that it’s some kind of water purification system but what do the “R” and the “O” stand for? How does it work? How big is it? What does it look like? Where does it install in your home and can you install it yourself? Do you really need one for your family? An RO or Reverse Osmosis system produces purified water using the Reverse Osmosis water purification process. These systems can be small “Point of Use” systems like this HUM Water Saver 75 Reverse Osmosis Drinking Water System all the way up to huge municipal water systems. Shop HUM Water Saver 75 here Commercial Reverse Osmosis System Playlist here   • Commercial Whole ...   The filtration starts out by passing your water through a Sediment Filter to remove dirt particles in your families water before going through a Carbon Filter to remove chemicals like chlorine or chloramines, herbicides and pesticides. Then the water is forced through a semi-permeable membrane which allows pure water to pass through it, while rejecting about 90% of the contaminants that are too large to pass through the tiny pores in the membrane. As this water is being purified the membrane is continually cleaning itself, washing the rejected contaminants away from the membrane and down the drain. Because Reverse Osmosis water is produced relatively slowly it needs to be stored in its own small pressure tank to make sure that there will be plenty of water to be dispensed quickly from the faucet for your family. A dedicated faucet is installed at the kitchen sink to dispense the Reverse Osmosis water and if you have a refrigerator with an ice maker and water dispenser the Reverse Osmosis system can be connected to it, giving you cold "super pure" water as well as nice clear ice cubes which leave no residue when they melt in your glass. These Reverse Osmosis Drinking water systems remove 90% of the minerals, including lead, sodium, bacteria and chemicals like chlorine, herbicides and pesticides from your municipal, lake or well water supply. To learn all about the benefits of Reverse Osmosis water check out my “Is RO water Good for You” YouTube video here.   • Is Reverse Osmosi...   These POU systems can be installed under the kitchen sink, or if you have access to a utility area in the basement or adjacent room, they can be installed anywhere within about 20 feet before you need a booster pump. If you’re handy you can install it yourself or hire a plumber for a professional installation. Go here for your next video on Reverse Osmosis water filtration and I’ll see you there! (   • Ultraviolet or UV...   Any questions or comments about this video or water softeners in general? Please enter them below, I read them all and would love to answer yours. LOVE GARY THE WATER GUY AND WANT TO LEARN MORE ABOUT WATER FILTRATION FOR YOUR FAMILY? HERE ARE SOME NEXT STEPS! Sign up to keep in touch with Gary! 2) LET’S CONNECT! 3) CONTACT! or 4) SHOP! Midland Canada USA Please share this video   • What is an RO WAT...