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Water Treatment for Dummies Book Review

Water Treatment for Dummies Book Review

Whenever you make an investment for your loved ones it pays to do some research. I get several emails a month saying that plumbers and water treatment sales people are offering conflicting advice and the home owner isn't sure who to believe. Sure, you can go to the internet, but again, lots of conflicting info! So who do you believe?

The WQA or Water Quality Association is the international trade association for the water treatment industry. They offer phenomenal training for water treatment professionals like Gary the Water Guy. They have published this great book to help people just like you who want to make an informed decision and the right investment in water treatment for your family, the first time.

I think this book is great, it goes right through the basics from where water comes from to how it gets to your home and cottage, why you need good quality water, common concerns, comparing different treatment products and when and where to get help, all in 52 pages. This small book is extremely helpful at explaining the basics in clear language that anyone can understand.

These days there are so many unqualified and new, transient and untrained sales people in the water treatment industry. I especially like the section called "(More than) Ten Questions to Ask a Water Quality Professional" which when answered, will help you to decide whether they are who you should trust.

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