Is The Purifiner Minirack UV the best choice? In this video I review the Purifiner Minirack UV system - what you should look out for and why it might be a good option for your family! By the end of this video you'll have all the information you need from a professional and watch to the end to hear my rating out of 100! Buy The Purifiner Minirack Here:https://waterestore.com/products/puri... Buy The Purifiner Minirack Lamps Here:https://waterestore.com/collections/l... Watch This Next: How Does UV Work: • HOW DOES a RESIDE... Playlist: Ultraviolet or UV System Basics:
• Ultraviolet or UV... LOVE GARY THE WATER GUY AND WANT TO LEARN MORE ABOUT WATER FILTRATION FOR YOUR FAMILY? HERE ARE SOME NEXT STEPS! 1) SIGN UP TO KEEP IN TOUCH WITH GARY!https://mailchi.mp/waterestore.com/su... 2) LET’S CONNECT!https://www.facebook.com/WaterEstoreCa/https://twitter.com/WaterEstorehttps://www.linkedin.com/company/the-...https://www.instagram.com/Water_Estore/https://www.instagram.com/WaterStoreM... 3) CONTACT! info@WaterEstore.com or info@WaterStoreMidland.com 4) SHOP! Midlandhttps://www.WaterStoreMidland.com Canadahttps://www.WaterEstore.ca USAhttps://WaterEstore.com/