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How FAST Can You fill Water Glass HUM WATER SAVER 75 Reverse Osmosis System?

How FAST Can You fill Water Glass HUM WATER SAVER 75 Reverse Osmosis System?

Reverse Osmosis drinking water systems have become very popular with families looking for great tasting super pure drinking water. One of the concerns in the past was how slow it was when filling up a water glass or other container. The Water Saver 75 is super fast, but I wanted to time it to show you exactly how fast it can fill a water glass. Check out our Reverse Osmosis Playlist here   • Reverse Osmosis D...   And that’s it. If you like what you saw please check out our websites and be sure to share this video with you friends on facebook! Thanks for watching! Water Saver 75 Please share this video   • How FAST Can You ...   For more great information about water treatment, subscribe!   / waterstoremidland   Follow me or email or SHOP! Midland Canada USA