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Has your Chemical free Iron and Sulphur Filter stopped working? Have you noticed that those rusty stains and that awful rotten egg smell is back? Does it seem like it just isn’t working as well as it used to? Looking for an easy iron filter fix? I’m going to show you how to fix your iron filter in 10 easy steps right now! These chemical free air over media iron and sulphur removal systems are great because, well they don’t use any chemicals. So you don’t need to spend money on chemicals to operate them and worry about harsh chemicals getting into your septic system. They use air to oxidize out the iron and sulphur smell so it can be removed and flushed to the drain. Not sure how these systems work? I have a video that shows you how here.   • BEST IRON and SUL...   First you need to realize that there a couple of different types of Chemical free Iron & Sulphur filters out there. If yours uses a mazzei valve like this one, I have a video that shows you how to service those and I’ll put a link in the description below and in the cards above so you can check it out.   • How to Setup and ...   Today we are talking about the very popular air over media system and how breathe new life into that media Typically, when these iron and sulphur filters stop working it’s because the air inlet venturi has become clogged and the fix is explained in this YouTube video of mine   • IRON & SULPHUR WA...  . But after awhile the media itself can get clogged with iron and it’s time to clean that media. This process applies to FOB, FOC and FOK iron and sulphur filters, those are the ones that use Birm , Catalytic Carbon and Katalox Media . To complete the procedure, you’ll need about 1 litre or quart of household bleach and about 3 feet of 3/8” tubing Follow these steps to fix! 1) Make sure no water is being used anywhere in the house. 2) Put the Valve into regeneration by holding the regen button for 5 seconds until you hear it start up and release the pressure in the tank. 3) Bypass the valve and undo the drain line and drain any water that is in the drain line into a bucket. Replace and secure drain line. 4) Remove the air draw from the brine elbow and insert the tubing into the elbow. 5) Once you see that it is counting down during the backwash cycle advance the valve by pressing and releasing the regen button again. Now it will start counting down in the “Brine” cycle. 6) Open the inlet side of the bypass. 7) You will hear a sucking noise coming from the open end of the tubing, insert the tubing into the bleach and allow it to suck all of the bleach from the bottle. 8) Close the inlet side of the bypass. Wait 45 minutes. During this time the valve will automatically finish it’s cycle. 9) Undo the drain line and drain any water that is in the drain line into a bucket. Replace the air draw and put bypass back into service. 10) Put the Valve into regeneration by holding the regen button for 5 seconds until you hear it start up. Let cycle finish by itself. How to Replace Media   • WATER SOFTENER RE...   Click here to learn more iron and sulphur troubleshooting tips and I’ll see you there   • IRON & SULPHUR WA...   Continue over here to learn more about how these systems work and I’ll see you there!   • Iron & Sulphur Fi...   Any questions or comments about this video? Please enter them below, I read them all and would love to answer yours. LOVE GARY THE WATER GUY AND WANT TO LEARN MORE ABOUT WATER FILTRATION FOR YOUR FAMILY? HERE ARE SOME NEXT STEPS! Sign up to keep in touch with Gary! 2) LET’S CONNECT! 3) CONTACT! or 4) SHOP! Midland Canada USA Please share this video   • EASY IRON Filter FIX