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Easy HUM SAFE WATER 10 UV Annual FILTER Maintenance

Easy HUM SAFE WATER 10 UV Annual FILTER Maintenance

<See how easy it is to do the annual filter replacement on a HUM Safe Water 10 Ultraviolet Disinfection System for your family! Check this out! When the change lamp indicator starts flashing on your Hum Safe Water 10 Ultraviolet Disinfection system it's time to change the filters. 1) Shut off the water before and after the system. 2) Then get your wrench. Unscrew the filter housings.The second stage is a carbon taste and odour filter to improve the taste of the water while absorbing odours, but more importantly, this also absorbs chemicals from the water like herbicides, pesticides, gasoline and benzene. 3) Make sure you've got something to catch the water, dump out the old filters and the water. 4) Add some silicone grease to the old rings. Drop in the new sediment filter and replace the filter housing, same thing for the carbon filter. 5) Get rid of that old filter too and replace the housing, tighten them both hand tight and with the wrench just a little more and then turn on the water supply. 6) Slowly filling up the system once it's full, and you've got no leaks, you can open it up all the way, open up the outlet valve. 7) Run some water in the house to flush the filters and get rid of the air. 8) You're good to go. Go here for your next video on Ultraviolet disinfection filtration and I’ll see you there!   • Ultraviolet or UV...   Any questions or comments about this video? Please enter them below, I read them all and would love to answer yours. LOVE GARY THE WATER GUY AND WANT TO LEARN MORE ABOUT WATER FILTRATION FOR YOUR FAMILY? HERE ARE SOME NEXT STEPS! 1) Sign up to keep in touch with Gary! 2) LET’S CONNECT! 3) CONTACT! or 4) SHOP! Midland Canada USA Please share this video   • Easy HUM SAFE WAT...