TDS meters measure the total dissolved solids or total mineral content of your water. Some, but not all, of those total dissolved solids will be the calcium and magnesium that makes water hard. But does a WATER SOFTENER Remove TDS from Your Water while softening it? Hardness of water is expressed in grains per gallon and occasionally ppm but the ppm of hardness in your water is only a partial component of the waters overall TDS. So although this water shows 300 ppm Total Dissolved Solids, but has a hardness 10, the portion of the TDS that is hardness is only 170 ppm, 10 gpg x 17 = ppm of hardness. What is the rest? Could be iron, manganese, sodium and a whole bunch of other minerals. Since water softeners soften your water by ion exchange the TDS stays about the same or can actually increase after the water has been softened. Shop TDS Meters here For move videos on water softeners, click here
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• Does a WATER SOFT...