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Disinfecting Your Household Plumbing

Disinfecting Your Household Plumbing

Ultra Violet (UV) disinfection is a physical disinfection process and does not add any potentially harmful chemicals to the water. Since there isn’t a disinfection residual, it is important that the entire plumbing system located after the UV be chemically disinfected initially to ensure that the water is free from any bacteriological contaminants. The disinfection process must be performed immediately after the UV unit is installed and repeated whenever the UV is shut down for service, without power, or inoperative for any reason.

1) Shut off the upstream water supply that feeds water into the Ultra Violet Disinfection System and depressurize the water system by opening a tap.

2) Remove the pre-filter cartridge from the sump nearest the UV chamber and fill with 2-3 cups of household (5.25%) bleach (chlorine) and close the sump. At all times during this process, make sure the UV unit (and lamp) is turned on and operational!

3) Re-pressurize water system by turning the water back on.

4) Starting with the tap farthest away and working your way back, open each faucet and allow cold water to run until you smell chlorine, shut the faucet off and then repeat the process for each faucet and fixture. If you have trouble detecting the smell of chlorine you can use hot tub test strips to test for chlorine in the water at each location. Once you have finished with the cold water, repeat the whole process with the hot water. The hot water may need to run for quite awhile before you smell the chlorine because of the large quantity in the hot water tank which will dilute the chlorine. You must ensure that all taps, including outside faucets, dishwashers, shower heads, washing machines, connections to refrigerators, toilets, etc., pass chlorinated water through both the hot and cold plumbing.

5) Once all the locations have passed the chlorine solution, you will need to leave the solution sit for a period of 3-4 hours. Reinstall the pre-filter cartridge into the filter housing.

6) After sitting for 3-4 hours, flush the chlorine solution from the system until the chlorine smell is gone. Make sure that each fixture that was disinfected is completely flushed of chlorine. Do not consume water until complete system has been flushed.