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CLOGGED Water Softener?

CLOGGED Water Softener?

Have you noticed that your water pressure or flow is worse now than it used to be? When you run water in a couple places in the house you have almost no flow at all. When water flow slows down in your home, there are several places to look when trouble shooting. It could be a clogged pipe, problems with a well pump or one of your water filtration products like a water softener or iron filter could be clogged. Troubleshooting your potentially clogged water softener or iron filter is very straight forward, all you need to do is temporarily bypass it. If you see that there is a noticeable difference with the water softener bypassed, then the clog is in the water softener. If there is no difference, you’ll need to check elsewhere. If the low pressure or flow is caused by the water softener, put some resin cleaner through the softener and manually put it through a couple of regenerations. Here is the video on using the media cleaner   • Water Softener Tr...   Her is the link to the 3 way bypass video   • How Does a 3 Way ...   If that doesn’t work, you’ll need to replace the media inside the water softener or replace the whole softener. Resin Cleaner here If you have an iron filter that you’ve identified as the source of the low pressure or flow, just run it through a couple of regenerations back to back. Again, if that doesn’t solve the problem the media will need to be replaced in the iron filter or the whole unit needs replacement. Click here for my next video on water softener troubleshooting and I’ll see you there.   • Water Softener Tr...   Any questions or comments? Please add them below, I read them all and would love to help! LOVE GARY THE WATER GUY AND WANT TO LEARN MORE ABOUT WATER FILTRATION FOR YOUR FAMILY? HERE ARE SOME NEXT STEPS! 1) SUBSCRIBE 2) LET’S CONNECT! 3) CONTACT! or 4) SHOP! Midland Canada USA Please share this video   • CLOGGED Water Sof...