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Is it worth doing a Clack Time Clock to Clack CC Metered Valve Conversion? You already have a fully functioning Clack Water softener, but it regenerates far too frequently because it uses the very inefficient 3 button time clock circuit board and you want to know if you can upgrade it to a fully metered 5 button valve? How many parts would you need to swap out? How difficult is it to do and would it be worthwhile? If you want to learn why, how and how much it costs to do a Clack Time Clock Valve to Clack CC Metered Valve Conversion by easily swapping out only 3 parts. Although the Clack WS1 TC valve can be programmed to function as a water softener it is really best used only for back washing filters. But I found many water filtration specialists installed these over the years and as a result their customers have been wasting salt and water ever since. Why? If you’re not sure how a water softener works I definitely suggest you check out my video here   • How Does a Water ...   Time Clock water softeners are programmed based on a calculation of how hard your water is and how much water you use based on how many people in your home. From that information a calculation is done as how often the water softener should regenerate. The problem is that there may be times when you use more water due to laundry day or guests or less water than typically because you’re on vacation and no one is home. With a Time Clock water softener it keeps regenerating at the same frequency and typically it will regenerate too frequently to make sure you don’t run out of softener. With a Metered water softener valve like this Clack WS1 CC it is fully metered, so after telling it how hard you water is and what size water softener tank it is on it will monitor your water usage and when you are getting close to running out of soft water it will schedule a regeneration for you automatically. The difference between the 3 button valve and this HUM Clack WS1 CC valve is only these three parts: Circuit board Face plate Turbine Meter Assembly Start by swapping out these parts. Bypass the water softener and start a regeneration. Fast forward through each cycle until you get to the current time or the home screen. Remove the faceplate by pulling forward on the tabs at both sides and the faceplate pops off. Unplug the electrical connectors to the motor and the power from the circuit board in that order and carefully remove the board. Replace the old circuit board with the new 5 button one, being careful how you handle it. Then remove the Drive Bracket and set aside. Unscrew the Meter cap and remove the plug, prying it out with a screw driver. Replace with the Meter assembly and route the cable through the back of the valve inside the same way and alongside the power cable. Be sure to leave enough wire to plug it into the circuit board and that it is pressed firmly into the cable slot. Replace the Drive Bracket and plug in the motor and meter before you connect the power. Make sure Drive bracket snaps firmly into place. To program the new board you will need to know your raw water hardness and the size of your tank in grains. If you aren’t sure this YouTube video of mine will help   • HOW MUCH MEDIA is...   This YouTube video of mine will help you with the programming   • Clack WS1 Water S...   Want to learn even more about Clack Water Filtration Valves? Check out my Playlist here   • Clack WS1 Water S...   LOVE GARY THE WATER GUY AND WANT TO LEARN MORE ABOUT WATER FILTRATION FOR YOUR FAMILY? HERE ARE SOME NEXT STEPS! 1) SUBSCRIBE 2) LET’S CONNECT! 3) CONTACT! or 4) SHOP Midland Canada USA Please share this video   • CLACK WATER SOFTE...