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Does your well lake water clog your plumbing fixtures and your washing machine screen? Are you losing flow and you're losing pressure because of all this clogging? Are you concerned that that that dirt and that sediment in your water may end up clogging your water softener and doing permanent damage to your iron filter? Your ultraviolet disinfection system is clogging the fine filter before your ultraviolet disinfection system. In this video, I'm going to show you the cheapest and the best way to get rid of that dirt from your water for your family. So the cheapest way to remove dirt from your water is you can just use a simple sediment filter like one of these polypropylene filters that are available in different microns. You can go with a course one that's 50 microns. You can go with finer ones that are five or one micron. We've even got some great filters that are dual gradient filters where the coarser Mike Corser filter on the outside and a finer filter in the inside. If you go with a course one, then the the finer particles will still get through and then you're still going to have to deal with that. If you go with a fine one, what's going to clog too quickly so you can go with? Which Micron Sediment Filter Do I need ?   • Which MICRON sedi...   Spindown filters How Does Nextsand Filter Work   • How Does a Nextsa...   So although that's a very inexpensive solution, a lot of those filters sometimes are less than ten dollars if you get a multiple pack of them. But like I say, you're going to be replacing them all the time, and that may not be what you want to do. So another option that works for a lot of families is going with an automatic back washing filter like this houM automatic sediment filter. And basically how it works is it's connected up to your plumbing, goes after the pressure tank. As the water flows through, the dirt accumulates inside. Then after three or four days of use, it goes through a backwash cycle to flush out all that dirt and flushes it all to the drain. Great system because there's no filters to change it. Just every three days goes through the cycle and it makes life a lot easier. So in a lot of homeowners that are on well, water that have ultraviolet disinfection systems, for example, they'll install one of these after the pressure tank and then go to a fine five micron filter like one of these just before the ultraviolet light . And then it goes on from their super low maintenance, because this is going to do all the heavy lifting. I've got great YouTube video that goes into more detail how these systems work. I'll put a link in the description down below. You definitely want to check that out. So someone may suggest you, hey, why not? A water softener, a water softener back washes won't do the same thing as these automatic back washing filters. It won't. In fact, you'll actually end up clogging the water softener. Same goes for Tannin Filter. You'll actually end up clogging them. So what about a chemical injection system? Yeah, you may have heard that there are chemical injection systems out there that use a chemical that's called the Flocculant. And they're flocculant combines the particles in the water, sort of groups them together so that the media inside these filters can store them up and then flush them out. Well, chemical injection systems are no longer used for that because these systems will filter down to a very fine five micron. And by the way, if you're looking for more information on these HUM automatic back washing sediment filters, check them out here We offer free shipping and discount pricing. What do you definitely want to avoid? You want to definitely want to avoid using a carbon filter, a carbon filters, a taste, an odor filter. But that sediment were clogged very, very, very, very easily. Click here for my next video   • Water Filter Cart...   LOVE GARY THE WATER GUY AND WANT TO LEARN MORE ABOUT WATER FILTRATION FOR YOUR FAMILY? HERE ARE SOME NEXT STEPS! 1) Sign up to keep in touch with Gary! 2) LET’S CONNECT! 3) CONTACT! or 4) SHOP! Midland Canada USA Please share this video   • CHEAPEST Way to R...