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Best CLACK WATER SOFTENER Installation fittings

Best CLACK WATER SOFTENER Installation fittings

Do you want to install your own water softener to save money for your family? Does the thought of soldering copper pipes make you think twice? You’ve seen how easy it is to use plastic pex pipe but your house has copper plumbing and don’t the fittings to the water softener require soldering? Can you install a water softener without soldering? You sure can and I’m going to show you how, starting right now. Hi I’m Gary the Water Guy and I simplify water filtration to help you conquer crappy water for your family! Whether you’re a DIY homeowner or plumber, this video is for you!! By the end of this video you’ll know a couple of ways how to connect your pex, cpvc or copper plumbing to a new HUM water softener without soldering. By the way the procedure is the same whether you are installing a water softener, iron and or sulphur filter, tannin or back washable filter. You’ve probably heard of Shark Bite or John Guest fittings, you know those fittings where you just insert the pipe and they magically make a water tight seal with out soldering? Well, all of our HUM Water filtration softener and fittings can be installed by using tailkits from each of these manufacturers to complete a solder free installation. Basically, how they work is they have small stainless steel teeth that grab the pipe as you insert it and hold it in place. There is an o ring inside that makes the connection water tight. To use either one of these push fit or quick connect kits you first need to prepare the pipe. Be sure to cut it using a proper pipe cutter and deburr it using a deburring tool. Do not use sand paper to debur as the scratches on the pipe may compromise the grip the fitting has on the pipe. Also, be careful when inserting the pipe that you do not cut the o ring inside the fitting, which is why deburring is so important. Before you cut pex pipe, if yours was rolled up be sure to straighten it as best you can so get a square cut and the pipe end goes into the fitting squarely. First, check out this Shark Bite installation kit. Use the deburring tool as a gauge to mark the depth of pipe you need to insert to make sure the Shark bite fitting clamps the pipe fully and to make a water tight seal. If you are connecting to copper, just slide it into the fitting until you reach the full depth as marked. If using plastic pex pipe, you will need to make sure you are using the tube support inside the pex pipe. It’s easier to use tube support once removed by putting finger inside and releasing, then putting it inside the pex pipe. Although they claim that Shark Bite fittings can be disconnected and reused with their removal tool, I personally would not trust them to be reused. One and done makes more sense to me. Also, I find that after some use they are quite difficult to remove anyway. The John Guest solution requires you to fully insert the pipe and then twist and lock it in place. You will hear an audible click and see the indicators line up so you know that it is locked in place. JG Prolock has an o ring to complete the seal with a spacer washer to provide additional support. As well as a locking collar to lock the fitting in place and increase the collars grip on the pipe. These can be disconnected and reused by unlocking the fitting and pushing the collar in to disconnect. Keep in mind that plastic fittings are not recommended for outside use because the UV may affect the plastic over time and cause it to deteriorate. Click here for your next video on water softeners and I’ll see you there!   • Water Softener Ba...   Any questions or comments about this video or water softeners in general? Please enter them below, I read them all and would love to answer yours. LOVE GARY THE WATER GUY AND WANT TO LEARN MORE ABOUT WATER FILTRATION FOR YOUR FAMILY? HERE ARE SOME NEXT STEPS! SUBSCRIBE 2) LET’S CONNECT! 3) CONTACT! or 4) SHOP! Midland Canada USA Please share this video   • Best CLACK WATER ...